Monday 22 August 2011

Discovering your spouse Part 1

Married and loving it
Discovering my spouse Part 1

Hi welcome to this article on ''Married and loving it'' I trust you are growing in your marriage as you follow this blog. My wife and I are so excited to be able to share each article with you as we feel a part of your life. We desire to share our life and experiences with you so that we can be a blessing to you. But more than that we want to share the Word of God with you because that is the firm foundation for building great marriages. I shared in a past blog about how that God spoke to me from Proverbs 18 vs. 22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. God clearly said to me it is the discovery of the anointing hidden in the beautiful body that is the wife. Therefore when you discover her you discover a part of your life that will complete you and cause you to walk in the fullness of your assignment. Unfortunately a lot of men never get to find a wife even after being married for many years.

A survey was done that proved that most men achieve significant success after the age of forty not because of the old adage that life begins at forty. Because a majority of men only discover the power of the woman at that time they often miss out on the benefits of being married. It is believed that our wives are supposed to bring inspiration and motivation that takes the man to levels of achievement that are beyond normal. But at the earlier stages of the man’s life he is not aware that God has given him a handbook of success. Taking your wife seriously will work for your good. Notice the verse says you obtain favor when you find a wife, if this referred to just the act of being married it would mean a lot of men would be walking in favor but it is the discovery of the hidden treasure of the wife anointing that takes your life to another level.

Now this is where it gets interesting, often when the husband discovers the wife she is able to also discover herself the man has the responsibility of making the woman what she is supposed to be. Read Ephesians 5 vs. 24-28 and you will see the picture of the church and Christ and the connection of that and marriage. Husbands do the washing and the cleansing the same way Christ works on the church. While meditating on this remember Abigail and her husband the fool. In 1st Samuel chapter 10 we read this amazing story of a beautiful woman who was of good understanding but she was married to a fool. This was probably according to Jewish culture a fixed marriage. But the fool never discovered the wife and he lost her and his life because of his foolishness. The story could have had a different ending had he been wise and conducted himself differently. Hid empire could have increased and his influence been established into David’s government.

Well in this series I wan to help you go on a journey that will help you discover each other as husband and wife so that you can walk together better and get amazing results in your life. With these principles you will enjoy your spouse and the marriage and you will see an accumulation of wealth and resources. God said you obtain favor when you find a wife. There must be something awesome hidden in there tha gets Gods attention and causes him to release favor in your life, what is it? Remember God’s words “It is not good for man to be alone (all one) God made a helper suitable for man and that opened the door for the favor to flow.

Compare Proverbs 18 vs. 22 with Proverbs 8 vs. 35, the result is the same but the first part is different. Or is it? Chapter 8 is talking about wisdom and understanding while chapter 18 is talking about a wife, could it be that there is a relationship between these two? To handle a wife the bible tells us to do it with understanding. I want to propose to you that God is telling you and me as husbands that as we develop some understanding in handling our spouses we will develop some skills in making life work. From observation I have seen that men that handle their wives well are more successful in life (please note that success is relative but I am talking about the godly picture of wholesome success in all areas of life) When a couple come to me struggling financially 99% of the time it can be traced back to some disharmony in the marriage.

Ecclesiastes 9 vs. 9 Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. Take not that God say’s “enjoy life” that means its possible to enjoy it. He goes on to say “with the wife you love” wow so you can be married and love it. If God says live happily with your WIFE it is possible, if you marriage is not good then you need to take stock of your life and see what you are not doing right. Your wife not just a woman if you treat her that way you will be violating some fundamental laws. There are principles that govern marriage. 

Happy marriages come by what you know and do. What do you know and do for your spouse that qualifies you for a great life.
1 Peter 3 vs. 7. Deal with your wife with understanding and give her honor. Wow that's awesome there is no person I honor on earth like I do my wife. She shapes my world, gives it color and flavor. She sets the temperature in the home and makes life livable. Now if a wife is that important how is it that men do not give the necessary honor to their wives. Don't be a Nabal, he refused his wifes advise and messed up his life. The level of wealth you will enjoy is determined by your marriage. Reseach has shown that the most successful men and wealthiest men in the world are in their first mariiage and they have good marriages.

If you are to have a great marriage there are certain things that you need to know about your spouse. Study your wife and deal with her in knowledge. Know stuff about her that is hidden under the make up.

Well I have to stop here for today look out for part 2 as we continue our investigation.


Blessing said...

Wisdom, good teaching Pastor!

Anonymous said...

I can not help it but cry, l cry for myself and l cry for my marriage. I'm one of those women who loves God with all her might. Yet there have been so many mistakes l have made and can not undo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous

The God I know and serve has no limits..if he could take Saul a murderer and convert him into Paul one of the graetest apostles we have known your mistakes are a drop in the acean.Yield to Him and let Him do His thing..nothing is too heard for Him.Forgive yourself, let go and leave teh rest to Him.Be blessed and may your marriage be restored ten times over...