Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Married and loving it: Your wife is good ground

Married and loving it: Your wife is good ground: “Your wife is good ground” Please read these few verses and lets discuss them a little today as we continue to build great marriages. Can ...

Monday, 19 September 2011

Your wife is good ground

“Your wife is good ground”

Please read these few verses and lets discuss them a little today as we continue to build great marriages. Can I begin by testifying about the goodness of the Lord in my life. My marriage has just been so blessed by God in that we are discovering each other afresh and it is awesome. We have just returned from our second honeymoon as we celebrated our ninth anniversary. Wow it was awesome; we were at a lovely beachfront resort in Kilifi Mombasa in Kenya. There wee no televisions in the rooms and on one desk top in the reception with Internet access.

Now you can imagine a person like me who loves serving (not on the ocean) and blogging and ministering on social networks and there I am with little connection to the outside world and just my wife. Wow it was a time of learning loving and growing. We had lots of fun you should have been there or maybe I’m glad you were not there. I began to realize that we need to sew more into each other as a couple because you become aware of the investments that you have made into each other over time.
The principle of the seed

Genesis 8 vs. 22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

Galatians 6 vs. 7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

I want to share very briefly on a principle known to many believers but often ignored when it comes to marriage. The principle of seedtime and harvest. When God put man in the garden He made it clear that whatever will happen on the planet is mans responsibility. This still applies today and if we ignore the means that God has given us to determine where we end up we will suffer the consequences. Every living thing has the ability to reproduce itself infact all things can reproduce after their kind. Look at the seed principle in creation.

Genesis 1 vs. 11 And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants5 yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

I know that this principle has often been preached by angry pastors that are trying to get us to give more and that does apply but in this article I want to write as a friend say to you “You determine the kind of marriage you have by the type of seed you sew into your wife” in Africa it is prevalent that a husband wanting a son will beat his wife who is continually delivering girls. It is unfortunate that he does not realize that it is his fault not hers because it is the man who determines the gender of a child not the wife. Much in the same way men need to sew the right seeds into their wife if they are to build great marriages. Every action has seed in it that will produce fruit after its kind.

Man if you are not happy with your marriage it’s a result of seed that has been sewn into your marriage and into your wife. You need to be a good gardener in order to have a great marriage. If you sew anger, bitterness, grudges, moods, grumpiness, stinginess, verbal abuse and so on you will not have a great marriage. Do not be deceived whatsoever a man sews that shall he reap. Your wife was designed by God to be a woman “womb man” man with a womb or the capacity to carry, nurture and develop seed that is placed in her womb. In the same way you give her a microscopic sperm and she gives you a 3 KG baby when you give her a microscopic attitude or negative word about her hair or weight she will give back to you a good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over.

The opposite is also true when you sew love, kindness, gifts, attention, quality time, a hug here and there, a romantic poetic message or email you will reap great rewards. We will see you rushing home after work or even over lunch because its harvest time. Get in the habit of sewing good seed all the time because your wife is good ground. She can take your dream and vision and business and nurture it and make it great. But of course this requires that you be one of those people that has “Discovered your spouse” read the previous blog.

Marriages that disintegrate and fall apart do so because there was seed that was sewn that is producing that harvest, or maybe seed that was not sewn. Nature hates vacuums and will always fill them. Have you ever wondered who goes around sewing weeds? Well they just grow and when husbands do not take time to sew good seed you will find a harvest of thorns growing and there will be a lot of pain. Sometimes we do not take our place as husbands and we let soap operas sew the seed of pain and seduction and gossip. As the leader determine what seed is sewn in your home. If there has been a lot of bad seed sewn do not despair be determined to make a change and star today. It may take some time but it’s worth the investment. Give her a call and tell her you love her, even if she responds with suspicion and says are you ok? Are you dying? Have you lost your job? It will take her time to get used to good seed being sewn but when harvest comes you will be a happy man.

To be married and love it you need to sew good seed and your wife is good ground. God bless you my wife and I love each other and we love you we pray that as you read these blog you will be ministered to. Let build great marriages as we learn from each other. If you have time here is a little exercise that you can do alone or with your spouse, if you do not have the time then you are in trouble already. Ask the following questions and write the answers down in your “Married and loving it” journal.

1.    What seed have I been sewing into the marriage (my wife)?
2.    What seed should I be sewing that I have neglected?
3.    What harvest have I been seeing that I do not like?

Remember some seed will only produce results later in life so be careful in dealing with these question they are very important. God bless you