Thursday, 4 September 2014

Marriage Power Principle

Power of marriage blog

I have married many people and watched fathers, brothers and uncles walk their daughter sister or niece down to isle to give them away to a man who is wondering how things are going to be and in the second row is a beautifully dressed mother who is looking on thinking "that girl cannot look after my son the way I know how" wow that's a cocktail for disaster. The husband never leaves and the wife is never given in marriage and yet these two people are supposed to live together happily ever after. After 12 years of great marriage I have learnt a thing or two that will bless you. 

Marriage is supposed to be a powerful institution that is entered into by the two people which makes them one. There is not enough room for extra luggage. The word leave has strong undertones of "forsake, abandon make some distance between..."

Please read Genesis 2:22-25 and Genesis 3:16 and Hebrews 13:4 Proverbs 18:22

Here is a powerful marriage key. Husband shall leave his mother and father and shall cleave (pursue as his number one assignment) to his wife so he moves from that which nurtured his early years to that which will nurture his destiny (his wife) he finds a wife and is established in a good thing (covenant) and he obtains favor from The Lord. 

Her father who is her mentor role model and icon raised the wife up and he walks her down the isle and hands over this woman to a new father. She is to love serve and honor him and make him greater than her first father. The principle of covering says, "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (Genesis 3:16)"

She operates best under a covering but satan will deceive her into wanting to be the boss and he is deceived to thinking he is great all by himself. There is a symbiotic reaction that comes from husbands and wives working together which will unleash great success wealth and influence.

Satan attacks fathers so mothers and not fathers release those women and mothers never release their sons so the marriage begins with disaster. Wisdom husband get out from your mothers skirt and wife get under the covering of your father (husband) work together towards a definite goal vision and purpose and see the power of God work on your behalf.

I have counselled some couples and discovered that they signed the papers, they paid the bride prize they have even consummated their union with sexual intercourse and yet they are as single as a monk in the mountains or a nun in the monastery.

Check yourself today are you married? Have you forsaken the past? Do you see and value the future? Do you see and understand the value of covenant?

You can be married and loving it...