Married and loving it.
Discovering your spouse Part 2
Hi there welcome back to “Married and Loving it” in our last blog which by the way has had the greatest hits in the shortest time on all the marriage blog we spoke about discovering your spouse as a key to enjoying your marriage. It is so true that when you discover the anointing they carry as a husband or wife you will enjoy them more, there will be less fights and difference. An example most people have no problem receiving counsel and advise and even a rebuke and correction from their pastor because they believe that this a man of God representing God in their life. Now let me say something that might be deemed dangerous. Did you know your spouse is the most important person to you in this world, not your pastor? If that is true do you think God failed to put something of value in them beyond being a source of sexual satisfaction?
They carry an anointing that will make your every dream come true, they are designed by God to complement, complete, fulfill and satisfy every need that is humanly possible in your life (There is a God factor that no human being can fill) So when you discover that anointing like you discover the anointing on your pastor you are ready to make. The challenge you will face is that of familiarity which by the way breeds contempt. Have you ever seen couples trying to navigate themselves to a holiday resort and they get lost (by the way Garmen {GPS} have solved this problem) and you now have two drivers? Or have you seen a husband trying to teach his wife to drive? Wow that is always a challenge. Because you are familiar with each other its difficult to take instructions from each other. Even if the husband is a better driver than the instructor the wife wants to be an instructor of the instructor. Anyway back to the scripture.
Ecclesiastes 9 vs. 9 Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. Take note that God say’s “enjoy life” that means its possible to enjoy it; He goes on to say “with the wife you love” wow so you can be married and love it.
If God says live happily with your WIFE it is possible. If you marriage is not good then you need to take stock of your life and see what you are not doing right. Your wife not just a woman if you treat her that way you will be violating some fundamental laws. There are principles that govern marriage. Happy marriages come by what you know and do.
1 Peter 3 vs. 7
If you are to have a great marriage there are certain things that you need to know about your spouse. Study your wife and deal with her in knowledge. Know stuff about her that is hidden under the make up.
God made us different so that we can need each other and fulfill each other. Imagine a wall plug and a socket fighting about their difference in shape; one has to fit in the other. The same is true in marriage one has to fit in the other “pun intended” imagine if anatomically you were the same, there would be no drive or desire to be together unless you are gay. Now if this is true from a physical perspective perhaps this truth applies to the emotional and psychological factor of the relationship. Your difference is a point of celebration and not contention. Enjoy the differences the same way you look at you wife’s body and are intrigued at Gods amazing creativity. Lol
Women were created to be that way so that marriage can work. They complete life for us remember she was taken out of man therefore when you find her you are complete, therefore you should celebrate her otherwise your life would be a grayscale life no color no flavor, no variety. She brings the shape, the softness the fresh fragrance the warmth. Now if you have not discovered this you would interpret it to be competition and lack of submission, you would think she is too emotional and too talkative and that she takes too long in the shopping mall. But guess what that’s how she is supposed to be.
Here is what the Bible says you must do as a husband if you are to enjoy your marriage. Give her honor as unto a weaker vessel, not because she is weaker but the way you handle some of value. The next time she is taking a shower check on her bum you will see that it is written “Fragile, handle with care, This way up and do not put anything on top. Contents may break”
Realize that she is Gods daughter and you do not want to have an angry father in law. Honor her in speech and in conduct, what you say and do to here privately and publicly should honor her and place her high in your life. Some men think by pulling down their wife they look good. I have no respect for men that dishonor their wives in any way. Failure to comply will lead to unanswered prayer; the success of your prayer life is dependent on your attitude towards your wife
Failure to recognize your wife as a team player you limit what you will achieve. From Gods perspective you and your wife are equal you are both equal heirs of the kingdom. The blessedness of life is seen in your wife and in the things that God has deposited in her that you need to discover. I read a book called acres of diamonds and it teaches of a man who sold his farm to pursue a land that had diamonds, it was discovered after his death as a discouraged recluse that the farm he had was filled with diamonds. The moral of the story is we often want to go far to get something that will make us successful when we have a diamond mine in our bedroom. You just have to mine and discover the diamonds. I heard a story that happened in a neighboring country where they found an awesome reserve of diamonds in their back yards. Suddenly the community saw the army coming and blocking of their homes and the stones they were using to shot birds with were priceless diamonds.
How many of us have great treasures hidden in our spouses that we have never taken time to explore and exploit in a positive way. There are some men that I know would be better of had they taken time to listen to their wives. Remember she is a helper she is gifted with all the necessary tools to help you achieve the God-given vision.
In the third and final part of “Discover your spouse I will list some of the Giftings that you need to look out for that will help you as a man. Do watch out for the third part. God bless you