Monday, 23 January 2012

Lessons from the harlots

Hello there hope you have been good. I am doing great, am still married and loving it even more. Marriage truly is a gift from God. I trust you are enjoying your marriage; by the way a great marriage is not one without storms and challenges. I'm not sure if there is such a thing. The storms of life come to all our lives and its what you do when they come, or even before the storms come. Is your marriage storm proofed?
In this blog I want to tackle an interesting topic that I know will provoke you and encourage you to build a stronger marriage. I have always been intrigued by how the Bible makes mention of a number of ‘prostitutes’ or ‘harlots’ and how some of them did amazing things. I did a study of the harlots and discovered that there are amazing lessons to be learnt from the harlots in the Bible. These things were written for our example that we through them can learn. God is deliberate about the information He puts in the Bible, it all has a purpose and we can learn from it.
These lessons will help you improve your sex life. If you want a great sex life read on but if not that’s fine. Well if you think this is crazy you can log out but I found this useful, there are some awesome tips that can help your marriage. You want your spouse to come straight home after work looking forward for an exiting time, not to ask for overtime because they do not want to come home. In fact you must even try lunchtime encounters or morning glory experiences. The tea break one will have to be short but they have an amazing effect.
A harlot or prostitute is someone who offers sexual pleasure for monetary gain. Pleasure without commitment and responsibility is never a good thing. I do not in any way think that prostitution is a good thing neither do I promote it, far be from it. I actually think if in our marriages we gave heed to the principles that the harlots teach there would be no need for harlots. But because we do not take heed to some of these powerful principles we have weak marriages that are open to attacks and harlots are meeting a need that should be met in marriages.
In Genesis 38 we read about an early case of harlotry between Judah and his daughter in law Tamar who tricked him to make her pregnant because she had a message to bring across. Three powerful lessons we learn here are:
1. Exchange
2. Preparation
3. Pursuit of an agenda.

She needed something and knew how to get it. Women have an amazing ability to influence how things end up and get predetermined results. You don't need to use many words just use the God given tools. Tamar knew that she needed to prepare for the event well. This meant that she had to sleep with him at the right  time in order to get pregnant. She had to be veiled and dressed seductively in order to capture his attention, she understood marketing.
You will notice that all prostitutes understand this principle of preparation very well. Having spoken to many men one of the cries I hear from them is ''Why is our sex life so adhoc and unprepared?” She never seems prepared for it, its almost as if she is not interested. This for men is strange because the harlot and the Hollywood women seem always prepared and ready. By the time the door is closed her top is by the door, she leaves the rest of the clothes by the steps etc. But with my wife the clothes seem to have a pad lock and the key is lost, men cannot understand this; they begin to question their skill, size and desirability and many other ego questions. Harlots seem to have this figured out; they make him feel like he is amazing. In Proverbs 7 from vs. 10 we read about another harlot. She was so prepared she had her bed ready perfumed and made attractive. The husband had taken lots of money on a long trip so she said come let’s have our fill of love to the poor fool. She was ready for him and her speech was so powerful it convinced him to be irresponsible. How prepared are you to minister to your spouse? There are women out that are working hard to get your man. Well he has to be strong and resist the harlot!!! Yes true but why make it difficult for him? Do stuff to him that will make him walk past and not even be moved. Read 1st Corinthians 7 vs. 1-5 and hear the wisdom of Paul on not defrauding one another but make sure he has enough.
Another thing we see about this woman is her aggression to get a client. Men are looking for some aggression from you, don't just lie there in bed like a dead cold fish and he has to do all the work. Shock him one day and do something that will make him loose concentration at the office when he thinks about you. Creativity is another lesson we learn from these harlots, they take time to think what their client desires the most. While you are busy being a missionary the husband is trying to figure out how you can bring some new flavor into the bedroom or the garage or the kitchen wherever it can be done. He will leave books and magazine that talk about spicing your marriage hoping you will read it and change.
I dare not share some of the experiences I have had lest some one under 28 is reading this blog (Come to the “Married and loving it seminars”). But creativity will electrify your marriage. Men generally want to have the lead role but it helps to lead as well according to what is comfortable for you...) a lot of men do indicate that they wished their wives were more aggressive and proactive when it comes to the sex life. There is a type of aggression that he will not be able to resist; he will still feel like he is the man. Notice she is also good with fragrances, make sure you smell good and bath when possible unless its one of those... the cleaner you are the easier it is to use all the necessary tools well.
The harlot that is in the genealogy of Christ gives us another hint to a great sex life. She believed in and valued the beliefs of her clients and thereby got their attention. The last thing you want is to be fighting and arguing in a way that makes the man feel threatened. Choose the right time to discuss controversial matters not just when its almost time for....
The greatest lessons we learn from the harlots are these and men take heed to these.
The greatest love making experience is between people that are married to each other
Adultery and fornication can be a thrill but it is not fulfilling, it leaves an empty feeling in the heart that makes you pursue more with the same result of emptiness
Adultery can promise amazing pleasure for a season but it always has devastating consequences. Its never worth it, the result is death.
The harlot can pretend to be in the act but ulterior motives are her motivation. True love does not come from her that celebrates you only without challenging you. Remember a harlot does the same moves with other men.
When a covenant exists it is not manipulation to use sex to achieve a family agenda.
Bottom line you can enjoy a great sex life as a couple, prepare yourselves for it. Fragrance your room and do all you can even on low budget. Honor and respect each other. Wives be proactive and aggressive, show him you are interested in what you are doing. Use your imagination to spice up your sex life, God gave you an imagination then He said the bed undefiled is honorable. Literally it means what a husband and wife do behind closed doors brings glory to God as long as you are not devaluing your spouse and making do what they do not enjoy. Be willing to learn some new things. Dress for each other and surprise each other.
Well we will continue on this topic in the next blog. Blink if you like this topic. Got you...

1 comment:

Arya Samaj Mandir said...
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