Saturday, 24 December 2011

What a great year

Greeting to you my wife and I are so glad that you were able to stop over for a minute and read this year-end address from the pastors. 2011 has been an amazing year and we have learnt so much and have been blessed. I can confidently say I am a better pastor, father husband leaders and life coach. I will never be the same. We are determined to move in fully into our destiny and assignment. In spite all the activity of the past year we are moving on with the Lord. My spiritual father taught me you cannot become great with regrets, you have to learn to move on and moving on we are. I encourage you to look up to the Lord and say “I am moving on in spite of all my failures this past year. Past failure often holds people in a stronghold that limits their future”. Let go of the regrets and the pain and disappointment lift up your head and move on. Remember that He promised that He would turn your shame to fame. Wow that’s awesome.

Well looking into the future we are seeing a lot of exciting opportunities for us and for the church and the Kingdom of God. This year as we saw the birthing of Prevailing Word Ministries International we were so encouraged by the love and support that poured in from all the corners of the globe. Do continue to pray for us as we go to the next level. We need the wisdom of God to manifest strongly. We want to see the work established and flourish in a wonderful way. We are looking at having the launch at the end of January and our first conference in the middle of the year. That will be an awesome and historic event. There are some awesome doors opening for television ministry as well and for me this is exciting, as we need to develop a strong evangelistic thrust in the ministry.

Through out 2011 I was under a very strong prophetic anointing that opened up my heart and mind to the plans that the Lord has for South Africa as a nation and as we take these step I believe it is a setup for that transformation to happen. We are living in great times as the church of the Lord and we will see revival sweep the nation in a mighty way. This is where it gets even more exciting as the Lord has a plan for you specifically in all of this. He wants to bless and prosper you in every area of your life so you can be a blessing. Through you shall all the families of the earth be blessed were His words to Abraham and this applies to the seed of Abraham that you and me. As you get planted in the house of God you will become a partaker of the anointing that is flowing in this season. So for those that are not members of Prevailing Word Ministries International I encourage you be planted in your church and connected to your pastors and to the agenda that God has for you there. Those that a re planted in the house of the Lord shall be fat and flourishing. This is talking about you, be planed in a good church and let God water you through you pastor.

Here are some beatitudes that you need to keep in your mind as you step into 2012
1. Be well planted
2. Be well Planned 
3. Be well prayed
4. Be full of the Word
5. Be full of faith
6. Be full of wisdom
7. Be well connected
8. Be expectant
9. Be diligent
11. Be radical

I believe you can succeed, I believe you can make it; I believe God has plans for you. If you need further help to prepare for 2012 and beyond please order a copy of “Success Paradigms 101” an amazing module that was created with you in mind. We want to invest in your life and sow a seed that will help you lay great foundations for a successful year. I also hope you have been blessed by the blog’ that we have been posting, they have ministered to me so much. It was amazing to see over 5000 people visiting the blog site and all the responses and interaction I have had with you has been precious. This coming year we a are taking blogging to another level with “Xtreme Blogging” by popular demand we will be adding a few more blog’ on young people, manhood, and ladies. We have some exciting packages that we have been working on. Get ready get ready get ready. Our prayer is that your marriage, your finances, personal life and goals have all been impacted.

Anyway this was supposed to be brief but you know pastors once they get talking they cannot stop.

Thank you so much for having been a part of our lives in 2011. We love you and we are paying for you. Merry Christmas and may you blast into 2012.

Pastor Tich and Princisca Tanyanyiwa
Prevailing Word Ministries International

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Married and loving it: Take time to celebrate

Married and loving it: Take time to celebrate

Take time to celebrate

If you want to keep you marriage “Romantic and Sweet” you need to stop and take time to celebrate each other. In this blog I want to encourage you to celebrate your spouse and see what will happen. I dedicate this one to my wife. The greatest wife in the world, a woman of great value. My one and only, the only woman I have ever made love with, my friend and lover. The only woman who truly knows me, I celebrate your beauty, you grace, your passion, your tireless energy and determination. Your commitment and your smile let me say that again your smile wow I see it now as I write.

Her smile is like the breaking of a new day, whose rays warm up the home. It is like a glass of cool juice on a hot summer day. It is like a calming breeze in the blazing sun, like a three in one blanket on a cold joburg winter night. It comforts the home and brings peace it encourages when the world is upset. It heal when pain is attacking it strengthens when there is an assignment ahead. Oh that smile it makes my world go round.

I shall not dare to speak of the embrace, as that is no under 45. But let me just say “You light up my life honey. I celebrate you”

Celebrating is a way of appreciating what God has blessed you with. It’s a means of acknowledging that you have something of value that you are not taking for granted. When wives are not celebrated often a person they feel like they are just a bedroom tool and when husbands are not celebrated they feel they are just an ATM. Celebrate your spouse and you will be amazed at the results. Remember the last blog. I have added some notes from a marriage module I did a while ago I thought this would be of interest to you.

Keeping the romance fire alive in your marriage requires some investment on your part. All the blog’ are designed to provoke you to some kind of action. If anyone has been blessed by the blog’ its me. Wow God is at work in my life through these awesome teachings. The research the scriptures the assessing and the testing if it works. Wow its been awesome.
How to celebrate
    You will find that the ROMANCE factor mainly affects the soulish part of man but it does have an impact on our spirits and bodies, good healthy marriages contribute to longevity. Proverbs 15 vs. 13-15 and Proverbs 17 vs.22. SO its healthy to have a good marriage

    Focus on the good things in your marriage deal with the negatives don’t dwell there. (

    Always celebrate your marriage and friendship, look for opportunities to celebrate some thing. It is in the nature of God to celebrate and rejoice and so it is in man who is made in the image of God. A marriage that has little to celebrate will soon become routine and dutiful. And when the romance runs out you will need help.

    Don't Wait—Celebrate!
*Celebrations don't have to be expensive, elaborate, or exotic
    *Make room for both planned and spontaneous celebrations
    *Punctuate the fun times with celebrations that are affirming, inspiring, and helpful.
    *Reminisce about your life and your future together
    *Create a journal and/or scrapbook of your celebrations
Celebrate a promotion an assignment well done, great sex last night, the baby can sit. Try it and see what happens to your relationship.

Lets have a quick checklist, just for fun. We’ve broken it up into several segments for even better testing!

Daily Romantic Checklist
1. Always compliment your lover.
2. Tell your lover how much you love him/her.
3. Say 'I love u' at least seven times daily.
4. Spend at least an hour together daily.
5. Give surprises or do some unexpected gestures.
6. Always call in to find out how things are with your partner.
7. Hug your partner first thing when you get up in the morning.

Weekly Romantic Checklist
1. Make it a point to spend a whole day together.
2. Do something which both of you enjoy doing together.
3. Cook her a meal. (I am not responsible for the results here)
4. Give your partner a surprise gift. (Not a surprise trip to the in-laws)
5. Give one another a good body massage followed with u-know-what… (I meant prayer)
6. Go out for fun events together.
7. Plan something special for the upcoming weekend.

Monthly Romantic Checklist
1. Plan to go out for a short trip during the weekend. (Be back in time for church. Lol)
2. Go out for dinner at least twice every month. (All the ladies say yes!!!)
3. Make love more often. (All the men say amen)
4. Watch two romantic movies a month. (For Christians watch an anointed teaching on prayer) Ha ha
5. Take your lover out for shopping and give her/him a beautiful gift.
Yearly Romantic Checklist
1. Think of an unusual way to celebrate your partner's birthday.
2. Make a new years resolution to be more creatively romantic.
3. Make Plans for your next anniversary.
4. Create a special 'Romance' category in your household budget.
5. Go out for a long vacation once in a year.
6. Plan out your next vacation.

Evaluating your ROMANCE level

    Be open and honest. This is a key to building a better marriage.
    Adam and eve were naked and not ashamed
    Put in an action plan to make thing work better
    Don’t forget to pray about it

Ok let me stop here, you can buy the book when its out.
Thank you for supporting the Xtreme Blogging page this past year you have helped us minister to over 20000 people through all the blogs wow. It’s exciting for me I cannot wait for 2012 and all it holds for us, I live to write and teach

We wish you a “Married and loving it” 2012

Pastors Tich and Princisca Tanyanyiwa

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Ever wondered about love and submission?

Ephesian's 5 vs. 22-25
I had an interesting experience at a wedding yesterday and this is where I began the to write the content of this blog. As I sat at a wedding reception these words were began to bubble in my spirit. ''A wife will submit to love and a husband will love submission''
Take a moment to think on these words. Have you ever noticed that these two stimuli generally bring a response from our spouses? When her husband gives his wife unconditional love her natural response is to submit to him and add value to his life. Her wifely anointing if I can put t that was blossoms in an environment of love. Do we as husbands ever take time to give our wives the love they need. I have learnt that most husbands I meet really do love their wives but often the expression of that love leaves a lot to be desired. And guys I am not just shooting at you here because I also make mistakes in this area. Thank God for Dr. Garry Chapman’s book the 5 love languages. I still desperately press in to find ways of expressing my love to my wife. I noticed that she is different from me. I thing will work for me all the time while her book is thick and difficult to read and you need to know what to do on what day and at what time and with what intensity. There is no one size fits all for loving her. Please pray for me guys I need your support.
Marriage was designed by God to be a place where the love factor and the honor factor is met. When there is a shortfall of these we feel incomplete and unhappy and sometimes its difficult to tell what it is. Symptoms are wives becomes closed up, withdrawn and they loose their spark. Men become irritable, edgy and impatient. If you are seeing these in your spouse you need to work on the exercise prescribed by Pastorxtreme below. Try you have nothing to loose and lots to gain.
Here is a little exercise for you to do. Just hope your spouse has not yet read this blog so you can really surprise them. If they have just pretend like you don’t know anything about the blog. Choose your time wisely and go to your spouse and ask this question. (Husband) Honey please teach me to love you. How can I love you better? I want to love you the way you want to be loved. I promise you brother that day when you.... Heaven will come down. (I tried it worked will try again later today) You might need to take time to listen as she pours out her heart. Don't stop her half as that might cause problems for you let her speak take notes (in your head) and try and do at least two things immediately and the rewards will motivate you to do the rest.
Her response to your love naturally would be to submit and you will be motivated further. For the wife here is your question ''love I really want to be more submitted to you. I want you to know you are the man in my life I really look up to you. Thank you for being my covering'' with most men if you say this they will be so shocked they will say something sweet and confused because they are not used to it.
But when you do this in word and attitude and in bed you will not need to beg for anything except mercy when you get electrocuted by love... God gave us these love and submission instructions several times in His word and we so often ignore them. What would happen in our marriages if we made a practice of loving and submitting to one another? We will be married and loving it.

Remember women submit to love and men love submission so be generous and see you marriage go up a notch. Be blessed and let God do a great work in you. From your loving pastors that are married and loving it.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Don't work so hard!!!

This is an interesting and humorous story I found somewhere. Trust you will find it funny even if you are also guilty. Read and then lets talk…
The Riddle Is Solved
Through the ages, men have been trying to unlock this mystery: 
Why do their wives, who accept them just as they are before they get married, begin the quest to change their behavior and life-style once their vows are exchanged?
Finally, the riddle is solved.  A social scientist has arrived at this simple and logical explanation. 
When the bride, accompanied by her father, starts to walk slowly down the long aisle, She sees the altar at the end and hears the choir singing a hymn.  Walking down the aisle, the conditioning process where the brain absorbs these three stimuli: aisle, altar, hymn, begins.  She becomes mesmerized as she continually reinforces these perceptions: Aisle, altar, hymn.  .  .  Aisle, altar, hymn.  .  . Aisle, altar, hymn.  And finally, as she stops beside the groom, the conditioning process is complete.
She looks up at him smiling sweetly and keeps saying to herself...  "I'll alter him"
Did you enter marriage with the same heroic determination that you were the answer to changing your spouse? I was spared such delusion because my Dad (Spiritual) had taught me that you cannot change your wife so don’t even try. There are two people key to changing anybody, the person needing change and God. Having been a pastor for some years now I have come to learn that it is true. I cannot change the members in the church. Change only comes when they realize they need to change and they have the necessary tools to make the needed changes.

The people around us are there to help us see tat we do need to change. Conflict and pressure helps us to see that there is a need for adjustments in our lives. Mike Murdock writes in his books 101 Wisdom Principles (Get it if you’ve never read it) Pain is not an enemy, merely an indicator that an enemy exists. So when there is pain in your life don’t just fight the pain, find the source and make some changes. Have ever had a head ache and you get a pain killer which helped manage the pain for a little bit then as the effects of the pain killer begin to wear of the pain returns and you take more tablets and the cycle continues. Well I discovered that some head aches I was getting were because I was not taking in enough water and my digestive system was sending a signal to my head that “hey for things to work better down here we need more fluids”. I could have continued to buy and take in more tablets and create more problems or I could just increase my fluid intake. Get rid of the pain and create a healthy environment for the body to function.

Have you been bust working at changing your spouse hoping the marriage will be better? Have you tried to take your spouse to seminars and couples meetings hoping they will change? You buy a book on overcoming lust and you put it on the dresser hoping he will find it accidentally and read it and be delivered? Well we have all tried one trick or the other to change our spouse. How about this you buy all the books on the hottest sex and the best positions hoping she will read it and surprise you but alas nothing happened. Your spouse was the like the scripture in Malachi “I am your spouse and I change not” you hint about a favorite dish that you want to have and there is no sign that it will ever be cooked. You say, “You know my mom used to cook this curried chicken that I enjoyed so much I always looked forward to it”. Wives have this way of ignoring the thing you really want by giving you something they think you need. Well I am talking about other wives not mine as mine is not like that (Lol) other husbands have this amazing ability to forget what their wives need as if they never heard. Because of the pastoral anointing on me I don’t have that problem. I can see you don’t believe me; well you are right these things are in all marriages and we have to understand that pain is not an enemy merely an indicator that a problem exists.

Let me close by giving you an answer that works and this has worked for me. I put 100% of my change effort into changing me, well let me be honest maybe 80% once in a while I get carnal and I try and change my wife. This leads to frustration on both our parts. Work on you more than any other person, grow yourself develop yourself. Get books that help you and when they have worked on you the change that emanates from there will filter to your spouse osmotically. That’s a new word from osmosis moving from a place of lower concentration to a higher concentration. When change becomes real in you it will move to your spouse. Hypocrisy will turn them away from change so let God do a real work in you and that will draw a change in your spouse. I have heard many spouses say when I saw my husband/wife beginning to grow and walk with God it began challenge me to go higher in my walk with God. A living letter is a powerful letter you cannot debate it.

Another thing that will help is getting into the presence of God together when you come out your hearts a lot more tender to each others needs than when you are dry. The Bible says the Holy Spirit changes us from glory to glory so moments of intimacy with God will enhance intimacy between the two of you.

The last thing I will share with you that will help you see change in your marriage and spouse is a shared vision for a great marriage. What we want to do at “Married and loving it” is to provoke that. I want every person that reads this blog to leave having been provoked that it is possible to be married and love it. Many people today want to have happy marriages but they do not know what it looks like and much less if it is achievable. I want you to know that you and be happily married and enjoy yourself. Follow the wisdom shared here and in many other good books and you will see you marriage going higher.

Crating a shred vision of a happy marriage includes and is not limited to the following
Taking time together to dream and talk and write down what you desire
Reading material that develops and provokes you (like my blog)
Praying about family vision and focus
Developing a vision corner
Doing a self-assessment that helps you t know the areas you need to change in your own life
Following the principles taught in “Success paradigms 101” by Pastor Xtreme (This is currently on offer for free and you can order it via email to this is our Christmas gift to you) if you are in the Joburg area we can send it to you by mail but you will have to cover printing and postage costs only. The manual is a step-by-step process of moving your life from where it is to where it should be in any area. Order it now you will be blessed. Full money back guarantee if it does not work. Guaranteed to change your life within 30 days if followed diligently.

Well anyway I just wanted t say “Stop working so hard” enjoy your spouse and let God change them. We love you and see you in the “Married and loving it” corner coming soon to you

Much Love Pastor T and P Xtreme