Sunday 9 October 2011

Make love a habit Part II

Make love a habit Part II

I hope you were ministered by part one of make love a habit if so get ready to be blown away by part two. Well maybe not blown away but blessed encouraged and discombobulated. I know you will love it.

I remember on a certain day a few years ago we were given the task of taking a young girl to a medical center for some attention. As we sat in the reception area habit kicks in and I pick up a lifestyle magazine and began to browse. I am not sure about other men but my eye has an amazing ability to see the word SEX any where on a page even if its written backwards. So an article entitled “Good sex helps in public speaking” catches my attention. I was like wow I always knew that sex has some wonderful things about it besides babies. The article was talking about how a good sex life boosts the confident factor in couples that made love frequently with great satisfaction. It went on to say that those involved in public speaking like politicians, salesmen, pastors etc tended to do a better job when this department was in order. They were more convincing, more eloquent and much clearer. They could articulate themselves better. You can imagine my excitement I turned to my wife and & showing her the article hoping to hear her say ''Oh my that’s awesome soon as we get home we will develop your ministerial abilities'' but not at all. You know how ladies respond to these articles.

My spirit was not dampened at all I began to research this subject with passion because I obviously wanted to be a better speaker, teacher and pastor. I did not want people that knew this principle to sit in church on a day when my sermon was not so moving and say ''I think there must have been a challenge last night''

The following is a result of some of the research that I have found and used in my own life and in the lives of those that we have counseled and guess what it works. Now my secret to great preaching is out.

When you have mastered part one of this blog ''Making love a habit'' you will set a good foundation for a better loving making life and you will see amazing results in every area of your life. Keep reading

Why is there such a fuss in the world about sex and sexuality? The devil realized that he could exploit a certain facet of mankind that seemed to be ignored by the church and use that to bring harm. Sex is overrated by the world and underrated by the church. What is the middle of the road approach? If the bible were to be made into a movie without editing some scenes it would be a no under 18 movie. God speaks about sex freely and profusely in the Bible because it is a key component to human life. In fact it affects every area of your life more than any other. Sex will affect your performance in the market place, your joy and wealth, your health and social interaction, your longevity and vitality and so on. I want to share with you some of these nugget’s that I discovered as I researched on this amazing subject.

You neglect to make love a habit to your own peril; it has been proved for example that a great sex life helps to increase your financial stability as couple. Great marriages were discovered to be a common trait among some of the wealthiest people in the world saved and not saved. A greater percent of the people on the Forbes wealthy list are on their first marriage. Wealth often seems to diminish when there is infidelity and divorce.

Why is sex so important? Well besides the fact that God created it and made us sexual beings lets look at it from a medical perspective.

Please read this with an open mind and heart sex was after all created by the mastermind plan of God. I always laugh to think that God is watching.

Lets talk about sex.
What does the bible say?
1. Sex is Good
Please forgive me for using the word sex loosly here I prefer “Making love” so keep that in mind as you read.

Hebrews 13:4 MSG Honor marriage, and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband. God draws a firm line against casual and illicit sex.

Also read. Proverbs 5 vs. 15-20 (message bible) and 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 1

What are the benefits of a healthy mutually rewarding enjoyable electric sex life? (Psalm 68: 19)

1) A good sex life glorifies God (I like this so as part of family worship you know what to do now)
2) It will bring Gods blessing because of obedience (as you do the Word)
3) It will help you achieve higher levels of intimacy spiritually and bring unity and synergy (where there is unity God commands the blessing)

4) Good sex brings joy to the heart (you should look at couples faces as they walk into church)
You can often see happy couples by measuring the joy. Good sex reduces depression

5) Good sex is good for your health.

Well I have to stop here for now will post part two later. It will bless you watch out for it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we hear u pastor! But plz remind our beloved husbands that sex starts outside the bed. Thr is nothing wrong with someone romancing their partner now and again... (read 'evry friday') lol.