Monday 10 October 2011

Make love a habit Part III

Hello trust you are good and you enjoyed part 1 and 2 of this blog. Enjoy part three it will shake you up and take you higher. These are things we should have learnt in school.
5) Good sex is good for your health.

In the other part we briefly looked at each point now lets look at point 5. (let me go to town with this one) If you want to live long obey the Word and make love often and you will be amazed. Study these biblicaly sound and medically proved points and you will enjoy your marriage. In fact you will be married and loving it.

5.1) Oxygenating the blood, every so often our blood needs to be saturated with oxygen and during love making the heavy breathing increases the oxygen content in your blood and boosts your immune system and helps you to detoxify. Or you could try jogging it gets similar results only the first is very pleasurable.
5.2) The production of endorphins helps the body to repair, heal and mend itself it bring happiness and reduces cold and flu infections and helps fight other viral infections. Wow so by making love more often I will be happier and healthier. SO if you are prone to colds and flu’s here is an affordable solution
5.3) It helps one sleep better, so the next time sleep is evading you say to your spouse do you want t go get me some sleeping tablets or do you have another solution. These chemicals called hormones control a lot of things that happen in our bodies. Have the right quantity of these hormones helps your body functions well. Imbalances can cause problems for you.
5.4) Testosterone (a hormone dominant in men) helps men to have stronger bones and to have the strong masculine look and the deep voice and beards and so on. So more sex will result in a stronger healthier body. You can save your medical bills by having a great sex life.
5.5) Endorphins & other hormones that are released during hot sex and orgasm act as a pain reliever, no more head ache excuses. Period pains and even long uncomfortable periods can be managed better by having a great sex life. Did you know its hormones that tell your body its time to start the period and depending on the levels of estrogen and progesterone the can be a long or short period. Other hormones will help reduce pain and others help control your emotions so you can say good-bye to the post menstruation depression. Note a lot of the hormonal production and control happens around your sexuality. Have you ever wondered why doctors prescribe birth control tablets to single women having problems with period pains? Well all they are doing is increasing the amount of estrogen or progesterone in your system, it is the imbalance of these hormones that cause ovulation, fertility and menstruation. So when your hormones are controlled they control a lot of other body function.
5.6) Frequent sex and ejaculation reduces the chances of having prostrate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women. The fluid flushes are good and help control a lot of disease
5.7) Frequent lovemaking helps reduce stress. Have you ever noticed that the you deny your husband sex the more he wants it and the less you give him the more stressed he is. The more you give him the less stressed he will be and its easier o ask him to accompany you to the mall and so on.
5.8) Regular lovemaking increases women’s estrogen levels that protect her heart and keep vaginal tissues suppler. That increases sexual pleasure for them both but it makes childbirth easier as you dilate faster and reduce chances of tearing. Low estrogen causes toughness in vaginal tissue and more pain at childbirth. (You choose Gods way or the other way)
5.9) Good sex strengthens pelvic floor muscles. This means you can keep things tight between the two of you and grab him in ways that make him scream. I’ll leave it there. This also help you have a better delivery of a baby
5.10) You avoid adultery hence you will live long. If you are both full and satisfied food from the neighbors does not draw your attention. But you are hungry even the food from the streets catches your attention.

6) Good sex is great exercise that addresses every part of your body. Doctors say you burn about 7500calories a year if you make love 3 times a week equivalent to
Jogging 75 miles. Again you choose, jogging is good but…
All good exercise releases endorphins and testosterone and of course you know what that means. Women have very small amount of testosterone as well though it is dominant in men.
7) LOVEMAKING bonds you together with your spouse in ways that nothing else will oxytocin (bonding hormone) is released when couple are in foreplay all the way till after they climax. It is a desire-enhancing chemical produced by the pituitary that will increase your desire for each other (see previous blog for more)

8) A healthy sex life boosts self-confidence

People with good sexual relations are more confident and bolder in making public presentations. Wow God is good He is an awesome designer don’t deprive yourself of all these great benefits and accrue doctors bills and counseling sessions by depriving one another.

2. Sex is of God

Gen 2:24-25 MSG Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and embraces his wife. They become one flesh. (25) The two of them, the Man and his Wife, were naked, but they felt no shame. God is the mastermind behind human anatomy not the big bang

3. Sex is spiritual

1Co 6:16 There’s more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, "The two become one." (Add vs. 17)
1 Corinthians 7 vs. 1-10
It is more than the physical being joined but you hearts and souls. He that is joined to a harlot is one with her. That’s scary

4. You must have/develop sexual affection
1 Corinthians 7 Verse 2-3
Gen 26:8 MSG One day, after they had been there quite a long time, Abimelech, king of the Philistines, looked out his window and saw Isaac fondling his wife Rebekah.
Songs of Solomon 7 (message bible)
This takes us to part one of the blog. Make love a habit

5. Avoid excuses (sexcuses)
1 Corinthians 7 Verse 4-5
No back aches head aches or “Sorry honey I’m going to pray…” or Oh the children…
Be determined to satisfy your partner sexually. Think & pray about being more creative in meeting their needs

6. Maintain honor & sexual purity

Sexual satisfaction in marriage is one of the best safeguards against infidelity
•    Stay in the Word & PRAYER
•    Stay full of the Holy Spirit
•    Be selective about entertainment 1 Thessalonians 5 vs. 21-23
•    Develop healthy covenant relationships
•    Be wise avoid traps
•    If you have messed up repent

7. Sex is pleasurable
Proverbs 5 vs. 15-20
•    Satisfy your spouses needs
•    Have transparent talk
•    Plan your sex life
•    Be creative and explore one another
•    Surprise one another
•    Be determined, never give up

Shall we explore this one more in the next blog?
Wow that was a mouthful perhaps lets stop here and take a break. If your wife has not read this then think of a way to candidly get her to read the article if you put it on her pillow you hint might be to loud. As a pastor I can often tell that the problem we are trying to solve can easily be fixed by prescribing some hormonal injections but we are not allowed to do that so go ahead produce your own hormones.

God bless you

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